
The logbook for your most important resource: Time

Understand where your precious time flows, and what makes it worthwhile.

The download on the appstore badge
A background element for screenshots of the habitree app

The Timer

Here, you define the categories and projects that you want to track time on. Then you can ...

An Hourglass
Habitrees timer view Habitrees time tracking option Habitrees manual time tracking Creating a new category in the habitree app

The Calendar

The calendar integrates easily with your native mobile calendar. That way, you can...

A Calendar
Habitrees calendar view Habitrees calendar settings Habitrees calendar configuration

The Journal

Habitree's journal allows you to review your day in a multidimensional fashion. Here you can...

A Journal
Habitrees journal view Habitrees review your day feature Habitrees habit tracker Habitrees journal scores Habitrees bullet point journal Habitrees regular journal


Get comprehensive daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports. Specifically you will be able to see ...

The Report
Habitrees weekly time report Habitrees weekly goal report Habitrees weekly journal report